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Jess Loves - This Week's Top Picks!

This is a special VIP event in store tomorrow at Kitch (Weds 11th March) Meet and greet DONNA IDA and see her amazing denim collection! I love this denim boiler suit as seen on Lisa Snowden, I may have to treat myself! There is a 20% sale off too! BONUS!

We Love to head down to Brighton seafront with Kelly and Bella. After a walk on the seafront, we always head for the best roast dinner in The Hop Poles Brighton right by the lanes and so dog-friendly. Bella was certainly making some friends! What a turncoat she is below! 😂

I don’t discuss on social media my eating habits but I thought I would as I’ve been suffering from severe issues with my stomach since my holiday to Thailand. I’ve been recommended a FODMAP diet! Who has tried this and recommends it? I would LOVE to hear from you about your experience, good or bad! Wish me luck, It's going to be a long few weeks 😭🤦🏻‍♀️

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